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/!\ EDIT
Some authors unfortunately do not have any website, and you have to hunt for stories from archives to e-zines. A few names to look out for: JS Cavalcante, Jenna Hilary Sinclair, Francesca...
First, not an archive, but an essential site nonetheless. All episodes and films reviewed (TNG is in project) plus other series (Battlestar Galactica, Andromeda), all info, all the essential Trekkian links are at Jammer's Hypertext.
Seek out
Find K/S recs at kirkspock_recs (check out the memories section) and various stuff at the Yahoo Group KirkSpockCentral. More generally, the TrekSlash and Trek_Slash LJ communities should prove interesting.
And, of course, visit Lady Kardasi's Domain. A good part of the site is password-protected, but once the magic word is yours, you can read your way through Kira's wonderful stories and discover authors in the online zine Side By Side. There you can find the Spock Fuh-Q Fest (among others such fests), zine recs, Best of Both Worlds, the Kirk/Spock Online Festival... Need I say more? This is a must-go.
The Foresmutters Project aims at archiving old stories.
And w00t! The
Gen / Friendship stories
Run and read Gloria Fry's out of print stories.
Claire Gabriel's famous Simple Gifts series is available online here or here. A wonderful read.
MissAnnThropic has written only one TOS story, but boy, is it good.
She writes very nice stories, draws cute Spocks, makes wonderful LJ icons... Check out Mrs Spock's Spock & Nimoy website. That's here! >>
Nesabj stories are well worth your time.
Tantalus also hosts a couple of good stories. It's a shame there isn't more!
Pat Foley develops Vulcan society and mores, and focusses on Sarek and Amanda's relationship in her fantastic Holography series. Ever wondered how two people of different species, from different planets, ever coped; what difficulties they might face? This series is for you. To Begin Anew is an original tale about McOy and a suddenly young again Spock. Both are must-reads!
Gil Shalos wrote a wonderful series of long, satisfying, very in-character plotty stories. The first one in the series is available here.
The Orion Press website hosts many quality stories about all of the TOS crew and more. You can buy more in the fanzines they produce. I wouldn't know what to recommend, it's all top quality... Follow the chronology, select by author or read the summaries.
ScoTpress also archives stories first published in zines, mostly by Sheila Clark and Valerie Piacentini. Hurt/comfort, friendship, plot...
The All Ages Kirk/Spock Archive, also known as the AAK/SA, is available at Fan art and stories up to PG-13! What's not to love?
(Mostly K/S) Slash
AcidQueen writes many pairings, and provides you with many links sorted by interest. Do not miss it.
At Ara's Place you should find wonderful stories.
Jane Carnall writes good stuff in many fandoms, and mostly S/Mc for ST:TOS.
Cimorene and K'Sal tales are among the very best of the top of the cream up there.
CM Decarnin's Intreat Me Not To Leave Thee: you will either love it or hate it. But the ending - even if it is supposed to be unfinished - is so sweet.
Check out Diegina's vid Enjoy the Silence. Her website is here >>
Dread Nought's stories are a very good read - I really enjoy the way Spock is depicted in these stories, as just plain alien. Little things that make all the difference.
Elise Madrid's stories are on line here.
Ellen Fremedon is a talented writer in several fandoms. Do not miss Riverside.
In Farfalla's huge website you will certainly find a story to your liking: sad? fluff? Bittersweet? Humour? Do not miss it. Farfalla also runs the AAK/SA.
Greywolf the Wanderer is hosted on Lady Kardasi's Lair, but the final story of the Songs of the Dirhja is available here (the link is to the story, beware, it's NC-17 slash).
Hafital wrote much too few of her hot, angsty, tense, delightfully woven stories. I hope you're convinced.
Hypatia Kosh's website hosts some good stuff - read the story Breakers, for instance.
Istannor writes a huge storyline with a very original plot around the whole story of the Enterprise crew - mostly Kirk, Spock and McCoy.
Jack Hawksmoor has a very distinctive writing. Few stories, but good ones. They're only too short!
Jane St Clair has written an all-too short story arc. It's delicate, it's exquisite, it's on every rec list.
Jat Sapphire is famous for the Still Amok series, but everything is worth reading.
Jesmihr's very satisfying tales are available here - some are still only published in Side By Side so far, though.
Do not forget to scroll down to the bottom of Judith Gran's page to go to the adult stuff!
Do not miss Karracaz's adult and G-rated stories and art. It's beautiful, touching, wrenching, well-written... What can I say?
Killa's wonderful stories are available on Killa's website. You know, some authors are recced everywhere by everyone. There is a reason. Do not forget her page of vids by her & other people. awesome!
Kira's stories are to be found on Lady Kardasi's Domain. They're a treat!
A link to Krss's beautiful K/S vid based on the series, My Last Breath. And her second one based on the movies, Fallen.
Laura Goodwin's All You Trek Are Belong To Us is hilarious, but it is also a very convincing take on the characters. There is some fic, a page devoted to the women of Star Trek (TOS) and a detailed analysis of many episodes, regularly updated.
Laura J's fanfic site has a trek page. There are also lots of trek stuff in the 'Hall of Shame' section.
Liz Elington is the author of the Trinity series, but you must read her other stuff too.
Lyra's Variations will provide you with all kinds of wonderful Kirk, Spock and McCoy stories in various combinations. And Plot! and Angst! And even, if you are so inclined, Holmes/Watson. Are you not there yet?
Mary Van Deusen's videos are beautiful and plentiful, and in many fandoms (including Granada!Holmes. Yes, I like Sherlock Holmes and I think he's, like, totally married to Watson ;-). The list is huge and new or reworked vids often appear; and there's no guarantee as to which videos are up, and when. Just check the site, or Trek_Slash on LJ. You can also read her stories - just send a mail for the password, you'll get it quickly.
Penknife has an absolutely not-to-miss series on her website. Besides, you have the choice between two endings. What's not to love?
Rae Trail makes the world all right again and reunites Kirk and Spock post-Generations.
Saavant brings a very personal touch to her stories - one of the many reasons not to miss it.
Sara's charming stories should make you all warm and fuzzy inside!
Starshadow is a new author in this fandom, but she certainly is promising!
Syn Ferguson writes original and haunting stories.
T'Guess's beautiful photomanips and must-read stories are not to be missed! Some are light-hearted, some heart-wrenching, but all are riveting. There are also two very original vids that you really must check out!
A couple of hot stories on Varooneka's page.
Virginia's 'Snow' is a short and haunting story.