
In a lot of episodes, we get to see our boys in bondage, tortured or whipped - especially Captain Kirk, who's really asking for it, sometimes. He loves to flount his gleaming chest, and his shirt gets ripped quite often. It's different for the ladies, of course, since their clothes are usually pretty non-existent from the start. But still, all this torturing and whipping gives us an unparalleled occasion to see lovely men displaying their stamina and courage and muscles... No, Star Trek was never supposed to be a kink show, but...
Also check out the brand new hurt/comfort page!

The Chest Hair Jails and Bondage Whipping and Torture


But first, let's talk of the Chest Hair Question. Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, Captain Kirk shaves his chest! It's canon. I bet he just got jealous when he saw Spock's manly, curly chest hair.

There's a shadow on his chest!

Is it dirt? Is it hair?

it's the right colour...

...and the right place for chest hair!

And a last shot!

Charlie X, aired soon after: check out the pecs! and the abs!


Jails and Bondage

The Return of the Archons (check out the disguises too!)

First Kirk...

Then a dignified Spock...

..are led to this mind-altering device.


Errand of Mercy More of them in tights here

Kirk joins Spock in jail!

Spock greets Kirk: 'see my new flat!'

Spock is not bothered...


Operation: Annihilate!

The evil pancakes drive Spock mad.

He is tied to a Sickbay bed!

He regains control and frees himself.


Gamesters of Triskelion (see also the costumes, whipmarks and whipping)

The whole landing party is chained to the wall...

...including the Captain.

They are then put to jail.

They are ordered to put a harness on.

The harness and punishing collar (and whipmarks).

They even tie up people who hadn't asked for it!


Patterns of Force where they are also tortured and wear lots of different disguises !

Spock doesn't seem to care about being a prisoner.

Kirk wears nice handcuffs!

So does Spock.


Bread and Circuses where our boys spend a lot of time in jail! See more of them in these tight-fitting costumes here.

In jail with a friend.

Spock stands apart.

Bones comes to needle him!

Bones takes care of the gladiator.

Guards come for them...

Bones and Spock end up in jail again!

And here begins...

...one of the most fascinating...

Spock/McCoy moment in the series.

They're worried for Kirk and each other...

But won't admit it!

The Captain rescues them!


By Any Other Name

The Kelvans not only have ridiculous clothes & hairdos...

...they also wear this device that can paralyze...

...or turn you into a bloc of some sort of chalk. Well, those were redshirts...

Jailed! Spock is, of course, fascinated by the material used.

They're not too worried, either. Must be used to it?

Here is their jailer. Kirk will beat her, later kiss her. No surprises there.


The Tholian Web where McCoy indulges in his tendencies under the pretence of slowing the spreading of a madness through the crew... Hah!

Chekov first succumbs! Must be the tinfoil suits' fault.

he writhes on his bed and screams! He's seen the Tholian and his pill-box ships!

Uhura is perefctly sane, but he gleefully ties her up anyway.


Whipping and Torture

See also the
oddities of Vulcan physiology, which seems to require the application of strong blows to the head.

Mirror, Mirror (see the Mirror Universe fashion too, and especially the Gold Bolero!)

The agonizer

The agonized

Chekov in the Agony Booth


Gamesters of Triskelion (see also the costumes, whipmarks and harness)

When the landing party try to escape, the collars send jolts of pain.

Kirk has his hands tied up behind him and fights with a guy armed with a whip.

When Shana is tortured by the collar, does it really look like she's in pain?


Patterns of Force (see them also jailed and wearing lots of different disguises !)


But they prefer checking each other out!


Gouging out the transponder with bits of metal!

Kirk asks Spock to get on his whipped back to access a bulb, and Spock stays as long as he can!

They're actually having fun! (Check out Kirk's love handles, too...)


Plato's Stepchildren: ancient Greek people wannabes are kinky! Mental powers + total lack of ethics = O_o They seem to think humiliating Kirk & Co (by having them snog beautiful gals...) will make McCoy stay with them. AS IF! Theirloveissothreesided!
(it's also interesting to note that they are all very protective of Spock, especially , of course, Kirk ;-)

They make Kirk slap himself...

...then give big presents so that Kirk can shield... something precious? ;-)

Then they make the Captain crawl...

...and Spock dance around!

And laugh!

And cry!

And Kirk play horse to Alexander's rider! (I'm sure Shatner just loved doing this ep. Seriously.)

Spock sings, and Christine & Uhura are almost crying. Not a good career move, then...

They make Spock kiss Christine... and he is totally disgusted. Ewww, a girl!

First interracial kiss on TV, blabla... but OMG Uhura is DA WOMAN

And now they bring out the whip and hot poker! The girls are not pleased

And they even start on some 'knife play' (and say 'knife play', too!)


The Empath where both Kirk and McCoy are tortured by the seriously big-headed, in all the possible meanings of the expression, Vians!

So here's our Captain dangling from chains...

...in pain, yes, but still baiting his torturers! Go Jim, go!

Can't you hear him? can't you? AAAAAAAARGH!

And now McCoy's tricked everyone to get his turn! And he enjoys every minute of it! Right?

Jim: 'see? if you had taken off your shirt it wouldn't be all torn!'

Jim: 'but don't you cry, it's ok, we'll get you a new, shiny blue one tomorrow morning. Sleep, now...'