The Utterly Ridiculous

Behold the truly Unspeakable!

Memorable Atrocities The Aliens The Ships


Memorable Atrocities

Operation: Annihilate! and the Goggles of Doom! They protect the eyes from the bright light which can kill the pancakes from outer space... but Spock can't wear them for the experiment!

This device produces the light.

Fashionable and elegant...

...the goggles! (and pinkie ring, again!)


The Doomsday Machine, a miles-long sandworm, horrifying device!

This eats up planets and entire solar system.

It threatens Federation worlds!

And it can attack!

Phasers are inoperative on it!

The constellation explodes in it...

Dead at last!


Space Seed The Washing-Machine (see here Kirk getting his revenge!)

The poor Captain is suffocating in a vacuum machine! oh no!

But... is it not rather...

...a washing machine?


Who Mourns For Adonis? the Highlander Moment, and the Hand! (and the clothes, too)

This green 'energy field' stops the Enterprise and threatens to crush it! Oh no!

Aren't you reminded of a quickening in Highlander?

With the wind and dark sky and lightning and everything...


The Aliens

Various Aliens

Balance of Terror: our first view of the Romulans
See also their
ship and its mighty weapon of terror! They're cloaked, they've got a super-weapon, they've got Sarek and yet our fearless Captain Kirk thwarts them!

Romulans, like Klingons, love to have some sort of sash.... but they're less shiny. Or maybe they're just cheap?

The dying one also has vivid blue eyes! And note the trendy bridge!

Poor Spock, who tries to escape his family only to find himself face to face with his father and his fiancée's boyfriend!



Tholian in The Tholian Web. Complete with a ridiculously modified voice! Check out his cool ships!

An Andorian in Journey to Babel - the pain(t)!

A Tellarite in Journey to Babel: note the mask...


The Mantrap introduces the last of her kind: this salt-eating alien

The alien about to feed by sucking the salt out of Kirk's blood

Just after having been shot

The alien shot after attacking the Captain


The Devil in the Dark presents the Horta , a silicon-based alien. See more here

The Horta and its eggs in the background

The Horta has been shot and is hurt.

Stills can't do it justice, you've got to see it move!


The aliens and the Ambassador in A taste of Armageddon

A young lady and two soldiers

The generals

Ambassador Fox and a general


The Evil Pancakes from Outer Space in Operation: Annihilate! "It's life, Jim, but not as we know it"!

The pancakes.

"Captain, they don't even look real!" Sic.

After being phasered.

They attack!

Spock's nervous system is poisoned...

...and it's painful!

Bones shows Kirk what's causing the pain...

...and they find a way to kill them!

They are supposed to be akin to brain cells and act as a single organism...


The Apple and the papier-mâché monster that makes Spock wish he hadn't ever been born

Akuta, who speaks with Vaal thanks to the quaint antennaes sprouting from his head.

A bunch of locals.

Don't laugh, but... this is Vaal (and its demise here).

Vaal maintains them in a dependant state so that they feed him rocks.

It orders them to kill the Enterprise party!

Young people who will discover the pleasure of the flesh thanks to... Chekov. Yes, well.


The Immunity Syndrome The giant Amoeba in Space!

A giant hole in film space!

A giant louse amoeba!

And there's even Pacman's head in it!


A Private Little War the Mugato

This is the highly dangerous mugato.

It does remind me of the apemen in Space Odyssey...

It even attacks our Captain! (see their costumes here)


Wink of an Eye and the Scalosians, complete with funny gadgets and half-naked, super-perky chick.

Deela, who wants Captain Kirk as her own studmuffin.

The Bun of Doom.

Her subjects and minions! The flower round their necks is to communicate. Think TNG commbadge.

Their special phaser for the accelerated!

And its effect on two poor redshirts... At least they don't die. Yet. Mwahaha.

And another gadget to take control of the ship. As if ;-)


The Melkotians in Spectre of the Gun - or, OMG we had no money left!

From the misty mists... WTF!?

That's somewhere between a painted penis and a crusty microphone!

Laugh. And now laugh at their technology!


Plato's Stepchildren: Torture! Mostly bare chests! Tolerance! Kirk-speech! What's not to love?

Philana. Yes, it was the same actress in A Taste of Armageddon.

Parmen, the Plato-style king-philosopher wannabe, and Alexander, the dwarf with no telekinetic powers.

Random smug Platonians. It's always those two, together. Fishy...


The Empath: Meet the bad and ugly Vians and Saint Gem the Mute Menaran! They torture a bare-chested Kirk (oooooh!) and a clothed McCoy.

The Vians own nasty gadgets Spock gets to tinker with, and have big, veiny, bald heads, and wear shiny bathrobes.

It means they're intelligent & heartless (cf The Cage or The Menagerie)

she's all pure n stuff, and heals people with a touch n stuff.


Is There In Truth No Beauty? where we discover Kollos the box Medusan Ambassador (see more here)

He is so ugly that he would drive mad anyone watching him.

...only trained people can, with a special visor.

And here is the atrocious vision! OMG SPOTS OF COLOUR!


The Ships

A Starbase in The ultimate Computer

The Botany Bay in Space Seed alongside the Entreprise

A shuttlecraft in Journey to Babel


Balance of Terror: A Romulan Bird of Prey and its mighty weapon of doom! See its interior and the Romulans themselves too here! Amazing, since they're supposed to be cloaked during most of the episode, and therefore invisible.

OMG a red smudge!

It's getting bigger and BIGGER!

It's the ultimate weapon!

A first view of the ship...

Notice the... bird of prey painted on the hull!

Disabled (no, not dangling from a string). Its mighty weapon wasn't enough!


Spectre of the Gun The Melkotians look like this...

This is a spinning, changing colours warning to the Enterprise to stay the fuck away.

Kirk, being the peaceful captain he is...

does not comply!


The Tholian Web: not only the Tholians look ridiculous, they also have pill-like ships!

A lone arrowhead floating in space...

It's about to spear the Enterprise! Oh no!

The SpaceKiss of Doom!

Some saliva spider-silk to trap our heroes! Oh noes!

The net is closing! Mwahahaha!

Note a new special effect for space battles!


The Constellation in The Doomsday Machine

The Constellation, rear view

The Constellation taking the machine with herself!